Thursday, May 5, 2011

Honor a Teacher Giveaway

This month at, we are honoring teachers and we are having a giveaway to go along with it because we love to give stuff away!

So here's how you enter:

1.  Tell us about your favorite teacher either here on the blog or on our Facebook page.  You can post on either page or both.

2.  We will choose one comment from our blog and one comment from our Facebook page at random to win a quilted book cover from Victorian Heart (your choice).

3.  You can also nominate a teacher to receive one of our teacher gift mugs (our choice).  We will also choose one teacher nominee from our blog and one from our Facebook page.

4.  You have until Thursday, May 12, at midnight PST to post your comments.  We will choose the winners on Friday, May 13th.

Don't forget to spread the word and tell your friends!  Now let's hear about those teachers who inspired, encouraged, and motivated you!  Good luck!!!


Gena Cornett said...

Since we haven't had any commenters yet, we're extending the deadline until May 27th!

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