Finally, the sun is out after weeks and weeks of rain and cool, cloudy days. Although the tulips and daffodils and trees began blooming several weeks ago, the gray, dreary days made it seem as though winter was hanging on way past its time. But today finally feels as though spring has arrived.
The birds and squirrels are happily visiting our bird feeder and they seem to enjoy the cheerful warmth of the sun today, too. Two little chickadees are building a nest in the bird house. The flower seeds I planted back in March are sprouting. With the clouds gone, and the sun shining brightly, the world seems to be bursting with new optimism, new growth, and new life.
The beauty of the world today reminds me that even though clouds may darken one's life for a time, eventually the clouds will pass away, the sun will burst forth, and a new day will begin. "This is the day the Lord has made...let us rejoice and be glad in it!"
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